To provide Consultancy services related to Supervision, Quality Assurance and Monitoring of Pre-primary classroom construction by Unicef-Bangladesh in located in 06 Thanas of Dhaka.

Environment & Infrastructure Management Solution (EIMS) Solution LTD. is a fast growing multidisciplinary engineering organization engaged in the areas of civil engineering, urban planning and design, project management consultancy and construction services in various sectors like Buildings, Bridges, Water Resources and Environment. EIMS is experienced to provide services related to drawing, design, implementation, supervision, quality assurance and monitoring of various infrastructure construction works. During the last couple of years, EIMS has been providing technical services to UN agencies for implementing various infrastructure development works.
EIMS has been provided technical consultancy service related to Supervision, Quality Assurance and Monitoring of Pre-primary classroom constructed in located in 06.
Thanas of Dhaka city to enhance primary education in Bangladesh.The location of the schools are: Mohammadpur Govt. Primary School, Agargaon taltala Govt. Primary School, Shorok o Jonopoth Govt. Primary School, Darus Salam Govt. Primary School, National Bikal Govt. Primary School, Rajar Deuri Govt. Primary School, Gobindopur Govt. Primary School, Ibrahimpur Govt. Primary School & Azampur Govt. Primary School.
This Unicef funded construction works have been accomplished by supplied design, drawing & specifications and the EIMS Engineering Team has been supervised to all designed works to ensuring quality delivery and standards within timeframe(05 months)